" />
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Machine Learning 101 ## Model Assessment in R ###
Sarah Romanes
<i class="fab fa-twitter faa-float animated "></i> @sarah_romanes
<i class="fas fa-link faa-vertical animated " style=" color:white;"></i> bit.ly/rladies-sydney-ML-2
--- layout: false class: bg-main3 split-30 hide-slide-number .column[ ] .column.slide-in-right[.content.vmiddle[ .sliderbox.shade_main.pad1[ .font5[Welcome!] ] ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Overview <br> ### This two part R-Ladies workshop is designed to give you a small taster into the large field that is known as .orange[**Machine Learning**]! Last week, we covered supervised learning techniques, and this week we will cover model assessment. <br> ### You can always visit last weeks slides at .orange[bit.ly/r-ladies-ML-1] with the corresponding
repo [here](https://github.com/sarahromanes/r-ladies-ML-1). ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/machinewar.png", width="70%"> ##### [SMBC](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/rise-of-the-machines) ]] --- # .purple[Recap - What *is* Machine Learning?] <br> ### Machine learning is concerned with finding functions `\(Y=f(X)+\epsilon\)` that best **predict** outputs (responses), given data inputs (predictors). <br> <center> <img src="images/ml-process.png", width="50%"> </center> <br> ### Mathematically, Machine Learning problems are simply *optimisation* problems, in which we will use .purple[
] to help us solve! --- layout: false class: bg-main3 split-30 hide-slide-number .column[ ] .column.slide-in-right[.content.vmiddle[ .sliderbox.shade_main.pad1[ .font5[Performance Metrics] ] ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Regression - revisited ### Recall the simulated dataset `Income`, which looked at the relationship between `Education` (years) and `Income` (thousands). ```r data <- read.csv("data/Income.csv") head(data) ``` ``` ## Education Income ## 1 10.00000 26.65884 ## 2 10.40134 27.30644 ## 3 10.84281 22.13241 ## 4 11.24415 21.16984 ## 5 11.64548 15.19263 ## 6 12.08696 26.39895 ``` ### How can we assess how well a regression model fits the data? ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Is a straight line the best fit? <br> <br> <br> ## Last week we considered fitting a .orange[Linear] model to this data, resulting in the following line... #### (Revise how this was fit [here](https://sarahromanes.github.io/r-ladies-ML-1/#9).) ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Is a straight line the best fit? <br> <br> <br> ## ... however there are many types of curves we could have fit to this dataset! ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/curves.jpg", width="60%"> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Is a straight line the best fit? <br> <br> <br> ## ... however there are many types of curves we could have fit to this dataset! <br> ## Consider now the .orange[*polynomial*] curve of degree 17. Does it fit better than our straight line? ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Regression metrics: the RMSE <br> # The RMSE is the .orange[Root Mean Squared Error], which is a metric of how far away our fitted line lies away from the observations (on average). ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/rmse.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Regression metrics: the RMSE <br> ```r fit.lm <- lm(data=data, Income~Education) fit.poly <- lm(data=data, Income~poly(Education, 17)) fitted.vals.lm <- predict(fit.lm, data.frame(Education=data$Education)) fitted.vals.poly <- predict(fit.poly, data.frame(Education=data$Education)) ``` #### RMSE - Linear Model ```r sqrt(mean((data$Income-fitted.vals.lm)^2)) ``` ``` ## [1] 5.461576 ``` #### RMSE - Polynomial Model ```r sqrt(mean((data$Income-fitted.vals.poly)^2)) ``` ``` ## [1] 2.803986 ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ ## We can find the RMSE of the two models proposed before. ## .orange[The polynomial fit has a lower RMSE. Does this mean we should use it?] ]] --- # .purple[Bias and Variance] <br> ## In order to minimise test error on new data points, statistical theory (out of the scope of this workshop) tells us that we need to select a function that achieves *low variance* and *low bias*. <br> -- ## - .pink[**Variance**] refers to the amount by which our predictions would change if we estimated using a different training set. The more flexible the model, the higher the variance. -- ## - .pink[**Bias**] refers to the error that introduced by the approximation we are making with our model (represent complicated data by a simple model). The more simple the model, the higher the bias. --- class: middle center bg-main1 # High variance (over fitted) models can be problematic... <img src="images/bird.jpg", width="70%"> --- class: middle center bg-main1 # ... as well as high bias (under fitted) models! <img src="images/constraints.png", width="70%"> --- # .purple[The Bias-Variance Tradeoff] <br> ## As you may have guessed, there is a trade off between increasing variance (flexibility) and decreasing bias (simplicity) and vice versa. <br> <center> <img src="images/tradeoff.png", width="50%"> </center> <br> ### This is known as the .pink[Bias-Variance Tradeoff], and will be revisited in the next section! --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # The middle ground! <br> ## For this dataset, we might consider the `loess` model as a nice middle ground between bias and variance. ```r *fit.loess <- loess(data=data, Income~Education) fitted.vals.loess <- predict(fit.loess, data.frame( Education=data$Education)) rmse.loess <- sqrt(mean((data$Income-fitted.vals.loess)^2)) rmse.loess ``` ``` ## [1] 3.806408 ``` ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # The classification setting <br> ### Recall the dataset `Exam`, where two exam scores are given for each student, and a Label represents whether they passed or failed the course. ```r data<- read.csv("data/Exam.csv", header=T) head(data,4) ``` ``` ## Exam1 Exam2 Label ## 1 34.62366 78.02469 0 ## 2 30.28671 43.89500 0 ## 3 35.84741 72.90220 0 ## 4 60.18260 86.30855 1 ``` ### How do we assess model accuracy for a classifier? ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Classification metrics <br> # The .orange[Resubstitution Error Rate] is a measure of the proportion of data points we predict correctly when we try to predict all the points we used to fit the model. ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/rser.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # The Resubstitution Error Rate <br> ```r *fit.glm <- glm(data=data, * Label ~ ., * family=binomial(link="logit")) ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # First, we fit a `glm` against all predictors like we did last week. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # The Resubstitution Error Rate <br> ```r fit.glm <- glm(data=data, Label ~ ., family=binomial(link="logit")) *fitted.vals <- round(predict(fit.glm, * newdata = data[, c("Exam1", "Exam2")], * type="response")) ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # We then predict the values of all the data points we used to build the model. #### (Remember, for `glm`, we predict the *probability* of being class 1, and then round). ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # The Resubstitution Error Rate <br> ```r fit.glm <- glm(data=data, Label ~ ., family=binomial(link="logit")) fitted.vals <- round(predict(fit.glm, newdata = data[, c("Exam1", "Exam2")], type="response")) *err <- mean(fitted.vals!=data$Label) err ``` ``` ## [1] 0.11 ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # We can then find the .orange[*resubstitution error rate*] by looking at the proportion of labels that were not correctly predicted. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # The Confusion Matrix
<br> ```r fit.glm <- glm(data=data, Label ~ ., family=binomial(link="logit")) fitted.vals <- round(predict(fit.glm, newdata = data[, c("Exam1", "Exam2")], type="response")) ``` ```r library(caret) *confusion.glm <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(fitted.vals), * as.factor(data$Label)) confusion.glm$table ``` ``` ## Reference ## Prediction 0 1 ## 0 34 5 ## 1 6 55 ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ ## We can examine how our model predicted all the data points, using `confusionMatrix` from the `caret` package. Note, that we are required to put in factor inputs. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # The Confusion Matrix
<br> ```r fit.glm <- glm(data=data, Label ~ ., family=binomial(link="logit")) fitted.vals <- round(predict(fit.glm, newdata = data[, c("Exam1", "Exam2")], type="response")) ``` ```r library(caret) *confusion.glm <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(fitted.vals), * as.factor(data$Label)) *confusion.glm$table ``` ``` ## Reference ## Prediction 0 1 ## 0 34 5 ## 1 6 55 ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ ## Looking at the `table` output, reading *vertically*, we can assess model performance. Out of the 40 failures in our dataset, `glm` sucessfully predicts 34. Out of the 60 passes in our data, `glm` sucessfully predicts 55. ]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 # Your turn! ##
<i class="fas fa-sync-alt fa-4x faa-spin animated "></i>
--- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Classifying and assessing model fit for Diabetes data <br> ```r data <- read.csv("data/diabetes.csv") dim(data) ``` ``` ## [1] 768 9 ``` ```r str(data) 'data.frame': 768 obs. of 9 variables: $ pregnant : int 6 1 8 1 0 5 3 10 2 8 ... $ glucose : int 148 85 183 89 137 116 78 115 197 125 ... $ hg : int 72 66 64 66 40 74 50 0 70 96 ... $ thickness: int 35 29 0 23 35 0 32 0 45 0 ... $ insulin : int 0 0 0 94 168 0 88 0 543 0 ... $ bmi : num 33.6 26.6 23.3 28.1 43.1 25.6 31 35.3 30.5 0 ... $ pedigree : num 0.627 0.351 0.672 0.167 2.288 ... $ age : int 50 31 32 21 33 30 26 29 53 54 ... *$ class : int 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 ... ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Build a machine learning model to predict whether or not the patients in the dataset have diabetes (`class`). # Further, assess the performance of .orange[*your model*] on classifying `class`. ]] --- layout: false class: bg-main3 split-30 hide-slide-number .column[ ] .column.slide-in-right[.content.vmiddle[ .sliderbox.shade_main.pad1[ .font5[Cross Validation] ] ]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 # Building reliable and accurate models is paramount in machine learning... <img src="images/netflix.jpg", width="70%"> --- class: middle center bg-main1 # ... however, it can be hard to get new data to assess model performance! <img src="images/newdata.jpg", width="70%"> --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Cross Validation <br> ## Often, we want to see how well our model can predict new data points. However, it is often impossible to get completely new data. ## So, we split our data into .orange[*training]* and .orange[*testing*] sets to evaluate performance, treating the *testing* data as new data points. ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/Cv1.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Cross Validation <br> ## To do this, we split our data into .orange[K-Folds]. <br> ## The first fold is treated as a testing set, and the method is fit on the remaining K − 1 folds. ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/Cv1.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Cross Validation <br> <br> ## The misclassification error rate is then computed on the observations in the held-out fold. ## This procedure is .orange[repeated K] times; each time, a different group of observations is treated as a testing set. ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/Cv2.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Cross Validation <br> <br> # The .orange[CV error rate] is then calculated as the average of these K error rates. ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/Cv3.png", width="80%"> ]] --- # .purple[How many folds?] <br> <center> <img src="images/splits.png", width="70%"> </center> <br> #### Generally, .pink[k between 5 and 10] avoids over-training the model (variance), whilst avoiding too few training points (bias). --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # 5-fold CV for Diabetes `knn` model <br> ```r library(class) # for KNN function K <- 5 # number of folds n <- nrow(data) # number of data points X <- data[,-9] # predictors y <- as.factor(data$class) # response ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Let's perform a .orange[5-fold] CV for the `knn` model. First, we split up our response and predictors. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # K-fold CV in
using `cvTools` <br> ```r library(cvTools) set.seed(1) *cvSets <- cvFolds(n,K) ``` ```r str(cvSets) List of 5 $ n : num 768 $ K : num 5 $ R : num 1 $ subsets: int [1:768, 1] 110 386 469 511 39 485 741 563 572 759 ... $ which : int [1:768] 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ... ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ ## Using the `cvTools` package, we can use the function `cvFolds` to seperate our `n` data points into `K` paritions for cross validation. #### Note, we `set.seed(1)` to ensure reproducible results. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # K-fold CV in
using `cvTools` <br> ```r library(cvTools) set.seed(1) cvSets <- cvFolds(n,K) ``` ```r str(cvSets) List of 5 $ n : num 768 $ K : num 5 $ R : num 1 *$ subsets: int [1:768, 1] 110 386 469 511 39 485 741 563 572 759 ... *$ which : int [1:768] 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ... ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ ## The important outputs are `subsets` and `which`. <br> ## For each fold (given by `which`), `subset` tells us which index of the data belongs to what fold. Eg, datapoint 110 belongs to fold 1, etc ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # K-fold CV in
using `cvTools` <br> ```r error.fold <- c() *for(j in 1:K){ fold.j <- which(cvSets$which==j) test.inds <- cvSets$subsets[fold.j] X.test <- X[test.inds,] X.train <- X[-test.inds,] y.test <- y[test.inds] y.train <- y[-test.inds] fit <- knn(X.train, X.test, y.train, k=9) error.fold[j] <- sum(fit!=y.test) *} cv.error <- sum(error.fold)/n cv.error ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Now, we set up a for loop to iterate through the test/training folds. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # K-fold CV in
using `cvTools` <br> ```r error.fold <- c() for(j in 1:K){ * fold.j <- which(cvSets$which==j) * test.inds <- cvSets$subsets[fold.j] X.test <- X[test.inds,] X.train <- X[-test.inds,] y.test <- y[test.inds] y.train <- y[-test.inds] fit <- knn(X.train, X.test, y.train, k=9) error.fold[j] <- sum(fit!=y.test) } cv.error <- sum(error.fold)/n cv.error ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # We determine which indices belong to the current fold, and determine which indices are to be designated as *testing*. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # K-fold CV in
using `cvTools` <br> ```r error.fold <- c() for(j in 1:K){ fold.j <- which(cvSets$which==j) test.inds <- cvSets$subsets[fold.j] * X.test <- X[test.inds,] * X.train <- X[-test.inds,] * y.test <- y[test.inds] * y.train <- y[-test.inds] fit <- knn(X.train, X.test, y.train, k=9) error.fold[j] <- sum(fit!=y.test) } cv.error <- sum(error.fold)/n cv.error ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # We then form *training* and *testing* data and response objects. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # K-fold CV in
using `cvTools` <br> ```r error.fold <- c() for(j in 1:K){ fold.j <- which(cvSets$which==j) test.inds <- cvSets$subsets[fold.j] X.test <- X[test.inds,] X.train <- X[-test.inds,] y.test <- y[test.inds] y.train <- y[-test.inds] * fit <- knn(X.train, X.test, y.train, k=9) error.fold[j] <- sum(fit!=y.test) } cv.error <- sum(error.fold)/n cv.error ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # We **train** our model using `X.train` and `y.train`, and predict new class labels values based on `X.test`. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # K-fold CV in
using `cvTools` <br> ```r error.fold <- c() for(j in 1:K){ fold.j <- which(cvSets$which==j) test.inds <- cvSets$subsets[fold.j] X.test <- X[test.inds,] X.train <- X[-test.inds,] y.test <- y[test.inds] y.train <- y[-test.inds] fit <- knn(X.train, X.test, y.train, k=9) * error.fold[j] <- sum(fit!=y.test) } cv.error <- sum(error.fold)/n cv.error ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # We then see how well we were able to match the true test labels, `y.test`. We store this, as we repeat this K times in total. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # K-fold CV in
using `cvTools` <br> ```r error.fold <- c() for(j in 1:K){ fold.j <- which(cvSets$which==j) test.inds <- cvSets$subsets[fold.j] X.test <- X[test.inds,] X.train <- X[-test.inds,] y.test <- y[test.inds] y.train <- y[-test.inds] fit <- knn(X.train, X.test, y.train, k=9) error.fold[j] <- sum(fit!=y.test) } *cv.error <- sum(error.fold)/n cv.error ``` ``` ## [1] 0.2630208 ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Since each data point gets tested **exactly once**, we can calculate the cross validation error as the sum of the total errors, divided through by the number of samples. ]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 # Your turn! ##
<i class="fas fa-sync-alt fa-4x faa-spin animated "></i>
--- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # .orange[Task 1] ## We want to know which value of k (neighbours) from `k.vals = 1:50` fits the data best. Embed the CV loop on the previous slide in another loop to determine which value of `k` gives the lowest error. ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # .orange[Task 2] ## Fit a CV loop for `randomForest`. Does it perform better than the best value of `k` you found in Task 1? ]] --- # .purple[Repeated K fold CV] <br> ## Often we want to repeat the CV process, to get a range of error values. <center> <img src="images/repeat1.png", width="90%"> </center> --- # .purple[Repeated K fold CV] <br> ## Often we want to repeat the CV process, to get a range of error values. <center> <img src="images/repeat2.png", width="90%"> </center> --- # .purple[Repeated K fold CV] <br> ## Often we want to repeat the CV process, to get a range of error values. <center> <img src="images/repeat3.png", width="90%"> </center> --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Repeated K-fold CV in
<br> ```r *reps <- 10 *cv.error <- c() *for(i in 1:reps){ set.seed(i) cvSets <- cvFolds(n,K) error.fold <- c() for(j in 1:K){ fold.j <- which(cvSets$which==j) test.inds <- cvSets$subsets[fold.j] X.test <- X[test.inds,] X.train <- X[-test.inds,] y.test <- y[test.inds] y.train <- y[-test.inds] fit <- knn(X.train, X.test, y.train, k=9) error.fold[j] <- sum(fit!=y.test) } * cv.error[i] <- sum(error.fold)/n *} ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # To peform a **repeated** cross validation, all we do is embed our existing CV loop into another loop that repeats the process `reps` times. ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Repeated K-fold CV in
<br> <br> # We can then easily visualise our repeated cross validation errors! ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-34-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 # Your turn! ##
<i class="fas fa-sync-alt fa-4x faa-spin animated "></i>
--- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # .orange[Task 1] ## Perform a 10 repeat, 5 fold Cross Validation, for `randomForest`. ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # .orange[Task 2] ## Boxplot the results of `knn` (with best k) vs `randomForest`. Which model performs better? ]] --- layout: false class: bg-main3 split-30 hide-slide-number .column[ ] .column.slide-in-right[.content.vmiddle[ .sliderbox.shade_main.pad1[ .font5[Easy CV with `caret`] ] ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Easy K-fold CV in
! <br> ```r *fitControl <- trainControl(## 5-fold CV * method = "repeatedcv", * number =5, * ## repeated ten times * repeats = 10) set.seed(1) knnFit1 <- train(class ~ ., data = data, method = "knn", trControl = fitControl) knnFit1 ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Using the `caret` package, we first set up details of of CV, including how many repeats we want, and how many folds. ]] --- class: split-60 white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # Easy K-fold CV in
! ```r *knnFit1 <- train(class ~ ., data = data, * method = "knn", * trControl = fitControl) knnFit1 ``` ``` ## k-Nearest Neighbors ## ## 768 samples ## 8 predictor ## 2 classes: '0', '1' ## ## No pre-processing ## Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold, repeated 10 times) ## Summary of sample sizes: 615, 614, 614, 614, 615, 614, ... ## Resampling results across tuning parameters: ## ## k Accuracy Kappa ## 5 0.7143664 0.3508650 ## 7 0.7255573 0.3751169 ## 9 0.7350547 0.3936117 ## ## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value. ## The final value used for the model was k = 9. ``` ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Next, we specify the response and its predictors, as well as what method we want to use, and the training parameters. .orange[**So easy!**] #### (Note, Accuracy is 1-CV Error). ]] --- class: split-two white .column.bg-main1[.content[ <br> # But, but, why make us do all that work before?? <br> ### - Not every machine learning method is covered by the `caret` package, so it is important you know how to code up your own. <br> ### - Also, by knowing how to code up the CV from scratch, you will have a deeper understanding of how it works! ]] .column[.content.vmiddle.center[ <iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/9G3wg7lH5DpxC" width="467" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/9G3wg7lH5DpxC">via GIPHY</a></p> ]] --- class: middle center bg-main1 # Your turn! ##
<i class="fas fa-sync-alt fa-4x faa-spin animated "></i>
--- class: middle center bg-main3 # Fit a 10 repeat, 5 fold CV for `knn` and `randomForest` using `caret`. Do you get similar results to manual CV? ## You can find the method specifications for `caret` [here](https://rdrr.io/cran/caret/man/models.html). --- class: bg-main1 # Big thanks go to: <br> ## - Emi Tanaka for developing the Kunoichi themed slides, and also Yihui Xie for developing `xaringan`! ## - The R-Ladies Sydney organisers - you guys rock! ##
<i class="fas fa-thumbs-up fa-5x faa-float animated "></i>