class: split-40 hide-slide-number with-thick-border border-white background-image: url("bkg/bg1.png") background-size: cover .column[[ ]] .column.shade_main[.content.vmiddle[ <br> # .large[multiDA and genDA] ## Discriminant Analysis Methods for Large Scale ## and Complex Datasets <br> ### Sarah Romanes
<i class="fab fa-twitter faa-float animated " style=" color:white;"></i>sarah_romanes
<br> ### useR!2019 ###
<i class="fas fa-link faa-vertical animated " style=" color:white;"></i>
]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # Acknowledgements <br> <br> ### - This work is in collaboration with my supervisor A/Prof John Ormerod. <br> ### - Big thanks to my research group at the University of Sydney, as well as NUMBATS from Monash for input in package design. <br> ### - Slides are made in `rmarkdown` using `xaringan` (Yihui Xie) and *ninja* theme (Emi Tanaka). ]] .column[[ <img src="images/group.jpg", width="70%"> ]] --- class: split-70 hide-slide-number background-image: url("bkg/bg2.png") background-size: cover .column.slide-in-left[[ .font5[Discriminant Analysis]]] .column[ ] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # **What is Discriminant Analysis?** <br> ### - Discriminant Analysis (Fisher, 1936) is a ML technique that seeks to find a linear combination of features that separates classes of objects. <br> ### - It *strictly* assumes the conditional distribution of the data, given class grouping, is .orange[multivariate normal]. <br> ### - Available through `MASS` package in
with functions `lda` (common covariance) and `qda`. ]] .column[[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # **Issues with DA** <br> ## **Does not work in high dimensions** <br> ## DA does not work when p>n due to a required covariance inverse being singular. <br> ## .orange[**Solution?** *multiDA*] ]][.content[ <br> <br> <br> # .black[**Does not work for non-Gaussian response**] <br> ## .black[Cannot use for count/ skewed/ binary/ mixed response data, etc.] <br> ## .orange[**Solution?** *genDA*] ]] --- class: split-70 hide-slide-number background-image: url("bkg/bg2.png") background-size: cover .column.slide-in-left[[ .font5[multiDA]]] .column[ ] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # **SRBCT data** <br> ### - The SRBCT dataset (Khan et al., 2001) looks at classifying 4 classes of different childhood tumours sharing similar visual features during routine histology. ### - Data contains 83 microarray samples with 1586 features. <br> ## .orange[**Q:** How can we use DA to find important features that discriminate between the classes, and use them to predict cancer type?] ]] .column[[ <img src="images/SRBCT-nature.jpg", width="70%"> .purple[Source:] [Nature]( ]] --- class: middle center bg-main2 <img src="images/pipeline.png", width="80%"> --- class: split-two white[.content[ .split-two[ .row[.content[ <br> # **What defines a discriminative feature?** <br> ## Suppose we have 3 classes to model. If we assume the features are independent, within each feature we can group them as: ]] .row[[ ## .orange[**One group**] (NOT a discriminative feature) ]] ] ]] .column[[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ .split-two[ .row[.content[ <br> # **What defines a discriminative feature?** <br> ## Suppose we have 3 classes to model. If we assume the features are independent, within each feature we can group them as: ]] .row[[ ## .orange[**Two groups**] (Groups 2 and 3, against 1) ]] ] ]] .column[[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ .split-two[ .row[.content[ <br> # **What defines a discriminative feature?** <br> ## Suppose we have 3 classes to model. If we assume the features are independent, within each feature we can group them as: ]] .row[[ ## .orange[**Two groups**] (Groups 1 and 3, against 2) ]] ] ]] .column[[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ .split-two[ .row[.content[ <br> # **What defines a discriminative feature?** <br> ## Suppose we have 3 classes to model. If we assume the features are independent, within each feature we can group them as: ]] .row[[ ## .orange[**Two groups**] (Groups 1 and 2, against 3) ]] ] ]] .column[[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ .split-two[ .row[.content[ <br> # **What defines a discriminative feature?** <br> ## Suppose we have 3 classes to model. If we assume the features are independent, within each feature we can group them as: ]] .row[[ ## .orange[**Three groups**] (All groups are different) ]] ] ]] .column[[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: middle center white # .black[A Penalised LRT is used to **estimate** the best fit for each feature] <img src="images/LRT.png", width="100%"> --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `multiDA` - syntax <br> ```r *res <- multiDA(y = y, X = X, penalty = "EBIC", equal.var = TRUE, set.options = "exhaustive") ``` ]][[ ### `y` - vector of factor class values (for training) ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `multiDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- multiDA(y = y, * X = X, penalty = "EBIC", equal.var = TRUE, set.options = "exhaustive") ``` ]][[ ### `X` - matrix containing the training data. The rows are the sample observations, and the columns are the features. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `multiDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- multiDA(y = y, X = X, * penalty = "EBIC", equal.var = TRUE, set.options = "exhaustive") ``` ]][[ ### `penalty` - default `EBIC`, which penalises based on the number of features and degrees of freedom of groupings. If option `penalty="BIC"` is specified, the penalty reverts back to the BIC. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `multiDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- multiDA(y = y, X = X, penalty = "EBIC", * equal.var = TRUE, set.options = "exhaustive") ``` ]][[ ### `equal.var` - indicating whether group specific variances should be equal or allowed to vary. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `multiDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- multiDA(y = y, X = X, penalty = "EBIC", equal.var = TRUE, * set.options = "exhaustive") ``` ]][[ ### `set.options` - this determines what groupings we want to consider. For example, for 15 classes, there are 1, 382, 958, 545 ways the classes can be grouped together. However if we consider `set.options = "onevsrest"`, we only consider groupings of one class vs the others, resulting in 16 possible combinations. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `multiDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- multiDA(y = y, X = X, penalty = "EBIC", equal.var = TRUE, set.options = "exhaustive") ``` <br> ```r *obj <- predict(res, newdata = newdata) ``` ]][[ ### Finally, a generic S3 `predict` method is used for prediction. `obj$y.pred` returns class labels, and `obj$probabilities` returns probablities of class membership for each class. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # Application to `SRBCT` data <br> ```r res <- multiDA(y = SRBCT$y, X = SRBCT$X, penalty = "EBIC", equal.var = TRUE, set.options = "exhaustive") ``` <br> ### We first have a look at a summary of the model by using `print()`: ```r *print(res) ``` ]] .column[.content.vmiddle[ ```r Sample Size: [1] 63 Number of Features: [1] 1586 Classes: [1] 4 Equal Variance Assumption: [1] TRUE Number of Significant Features: [1] 215 Summary of Significant Features: rank feature.ID gamma.hat partition 1 1 V1172 0.9997741 8 2 2 V1232 0.9997576 4 3 3 V1233 0.9997563 3 4 4 V1324 0.9997506 3 5 5 V706 0.9997441 5 6 6 V434 0.9997437 3 7 7 V527 0.9997424 3 8 8 V1189 0.9997368 3 9 9 V1166 0.9997347 7 10 10 V148 0.9997342 4 ``` ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # Application to `SRBCT` data <br> ```r res <- multiDA(y = SRBCT$y, X = SRBCT$X, penalty = "EBIC", equal.var = TRUE, set.options = "exhaustive") ``` <br> ### We can then examine the class groupings using the `plot()` method for `multiDA`: ```r *plot(res, ranks= 1) ``` ]] .column[[ <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-19-1.png" width="504" /> ]] --- class: middle center white # .black[100 Trial, 5 Fold CV] <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-1.png" width="864" /> --- class: split-70 hide-slide-number background-image: url("bkg/bg2.png") background-size: cover .column.slide-in-left[[ .font5[genDA]]] .column[ ] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # **Urban Cover data** <br> ### - The study area is an urban area in Deerfield Beach, FL, USA, with a 30cm resolution colour infrared aerial orthoimagery of the study area acquired. <br> ### - Contains 9 different types of landcover. <br> ### - Data consists of .orange[n = 168] image segments to be classified with .orange[m = 147] features associated with each image segment such as Area, Brightness, etc measured at different resolutions. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/urban.jpg", width="80%"> ##### .pink[Source: Johnson, 2013]. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # **Urban Cover data** <br> <br> <br> # Data is *highly correlated* with a noticible difference in correlation structure between classes. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/covariance.png", width="75%"> ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # **Urban Cover data** <br> # EDA shows that data is .orange[not normal], with a mix of positive skew and count data. <br> ## .orange[**Q:** How can we build a DA model to discriminate between segment types, for data of mixed response types?] ]] .column[.content.vmiddle[ ```r # A tibble: 168 x 148 class BrdIndx Area Round Bright Compact ShpIndx <fct> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> 1 car 1.27 91 0.97 231. 1.39 1.47 2 concrete 2.36 241 1.56 216. 2.46 2.51 3 concrete 2.12 266 1.47 232. 2.07 2.21 4 concrete 2.42 399 1.28 230. 2.49 2.73 5 concrete 2.15 944 1.73 193. 2.28 4.1 6 tree 3.11 169 1.47 172. 2.49 3.35 7 car 1.2 44 0.79 209. 1.14 1.36 8 car 1 88 0.22 235. 1.11 1.12 9 building 1.59 1737 0.67 220. 1.3 1.64 10 tree 2.37 153 1.3 120. 2.85 2.59 ``` ]] --- class: split-33[.content[ <br> # ** GLLVMs ** <br> ## We can fit a DA model to this data as follows. By first deciding on a family of distributions for each column, ]] .column[[ <img src="images/GLLVM-1.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-33[.content[ <br> # ** GLLVMs ** <br> ## we use a .orange[GLLVM] to model the distribution for each column, taking into account class information and capturing the correlation between features. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/GLLVM-2.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-33[.content[ <br> # ** GLLVMs ** <br> <br> # `\(\Large{\tau_i}\)` and `\(\Large{\beta_{0j}}\)` represent row and column intercepts. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/GLLVM-3.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-33[.content[ <br> # ** GLLVMs ** <br> <br> # Class information is captured in `\(\Large{\boldsymbol{x_i}}\)`, with corresponding coefficients `\(\Large{\boldsymbol{\beta_j}}\)`. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/GLLVM-4.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-33[.content[ <br> # ** GLLVMs ** <br> # Correlation structure is captured in `\(\Large{\boldsymbol{u_i}}\)` (latent), with corresponding coefficients `\(\Large{\boldsymbol{\lambda_j}}\)`. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/GLLVM-5.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-33[.content[ <br> # ** GLLVMs ** <br> <br> ## We can model .orange[differing] correlation structures by fitting multiple GLLVMs for different classes. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/GLLVM-6.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-33[.content[ <br> # ** GLLVMs ** <br> <br> ## We can model .orange[differing] correlation structures by fitting multiple GLLVMs for different classes. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/GLLVM-7.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-33[.content[ <br> # ** GLLVMs ** <br> <br> ## We can model .orange[differing] correlation structures by fitting multiple GLLVMs for different classes. ]] .column[[ <img src="images/GLLVM-8.png", width="80%"> ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # **Model Estimation** <br> ### - We formulate a Bayesian GLLVM approach to train our classifier. <br> ### - Marginalising over the latent variables proves to be intractable - so a Variational Approximation is used. <br> ### - In the optimisation process, we utilise the `TMB` package, which allows us to perform .orange[Automatic Differentiation], implemented in `C++`. This allows our fitting process to be fast. #### Read more about the mathematics [here]( ]] .column[[ <img src="images/AutomaticDifferentiationNutshell.png", width="85%"> ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `genDA` - syntax <br> ```r *res <- genDA(Y = Y, class = class, = 2, family = family, common.covariance = TRUE, row.eff = FALSE, standard.errors = FALSE) ``` ]][[ ### `Y` - a (n x m) `matrix` or `data.frame` of responses. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `genDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- genDA(Y = Y, * class = class, = 2, family = family, common.covariance = TRUE, row.eff = FALSE, standard.errors = FALSE) ``` ]][[ ### `class` - a factor vector of class information. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `genDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- genDA(Y = Y, class = class, * = 2, family = family, common.covariance = TRUE, row.eff = FALSE, standard.errors = FALSE) ``` ]][[ ### `` - number of latent variables in GLLVM model. Non-negative integer, less than the number of response variables (m). Defaults to 2. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `genDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- genDA(Y = Y, class = class, = 2, * family = family, common.covariance = TRUE, row.eff = FALSE, standard.errors = FALSE) ``` ]][[ ### `family` - character vector to describe the distribution of each column. Columns can be of different family types. Family options are `"poisson"` (with log link), `"ZIP"` (Zero Inflated Poisson), `"negative-binomial"` (with log link), `"binomial"` (with logit link), `"gaussian"`, and `"log-normal"`. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `genDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- genDA(Y = Y, class = class, = 2, family = family, * common.covariance = TRUE, row.eff = FALSE, standard.errors = FALSE) ``` ]][[ ### `common.covariance` - default `TRUE`. Specifies whether different covariance structures should be fit for each class. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `genDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- genDA(Y = Y, class = class, = 2, family = family, common.covariance = TRUE, * row.eff = FALSE, standard.errors = FALSE) ``` ]][[ ### `row.eff` - default `FALSE`. Specifies whether row effects should be included in model. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `genDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- genDA(Y = Y, class = class, = 2, family = family, common.covariance = TRUE, row.eff = FALSE, * standard.errors = FALSE) ``` ]][[ ### `standard.errors` - default `FALSE`. Indicates whether standard errors for training parameter estimates are calculated. ]] --- class: split-two white[.content[ <br> # `genDA` - syntax <br> ```r res <- genDA(Y = Y, class = class, = 2, family = family, common.covariance = TRUE, row.eff = FALSE, standard.errors = FALSE) ``` <br> ```r *predict(res, newdata = newdata) ``` ]][[ ### And finally, just as in `multiDA`, a generic S3 `predict` method is used for prediction. ]] --- class: middle center white # .black[100 Trial, 5 Fold CV] <img src="index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-31-1.png" width="864" /> --- class: split-three white[[ <br> <br> <br> <img src="images/profile.png", width="65%"> ###
: sarah_romanes ###
: ]][[ <br> # genDA <br> <img src="images/genDA_logo.png", width="50%"> ## .white[
<i class="fab fa-github faa-float animated "></i>
] ### [sarahromanes/genDA]( ]][[ <br> # .black[multiDA] <br> <img src="images/multiDA_logo.png", width="50%"> ## .black[
<i class="fab fa-github faa-float animated "></i>
] ### [sarahromanes/multiDA]( ]]